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Our History





In information obtained from the Western Canada Section AWWA and the NAPHCC among other sources, one article stands out as the oldest to mention the concept of backflow, although at the time it was called “insuction”. The article, titled Studies in Water Supply, was published in 1913. In it, A.C. Houston pointed out that water mains are not always secure even though under pressure, as “physicist hold under certain conditions it is not impossible for “insuction” to occur.”


The backflow prevention and cross-connection control industry can trace its roots back 100 years. Even though much progress has occurred in the last 25 years, we must remember it was a slow process in educating people, developing backflow devices and assemblies, and the evolution of standards and regulations. What changes do you predict?


National and Local ABPA Orgizational Dates



1984, The very first day of our organization

The “American Backflow Prevention Association” was organized in 1984, the first President being Dr. Charles Flanders from Texas A&M.





North Carolina ABPA was incorporated July 29, 1992. The number of persons constituting the initial Board was six.



ABPA expands to South Carolina


The Association was expanded to include South Carolina; the date of adoption was in early 1996 changing the name to “Carolina’s Chapter, American Backflow Prevention Association”. The 1st annual Backflow Conference was held in Rock Hill, South Carolina September 12, 1996, with 79 participants. Active membership is 120 and growing.



NC Hosts International Conference in Asheville, NC


Hosted the International Conference in Asheville, North Carolina (Grove Park Inn), with 310 in attendance. Mark Krouse spoke at the beginning of the conference to welcome all ABPA members to Asheville. John Watkins, Dale Strong, and Ronnie West were secession moderators for speakers at the conference. Kathy Riley, Ruth Pluchinsky, and Mark Krouse all work the registration booth.

Carolinas Chapter had Mr. Jim Purzycki with BAVCO come into SC and NC to conduct six Repair and Troubleshooting seminars. The locations of trainings were held, Charleston, Columbia, Spartanburg, Charlotte, Fayetteville, and Raleigh. All six locations had great turnouts, raised a tremendous amount of money for the Carolinas Chapter checking account, and raised membership for the Carolinas Chapter.



Membership reaches 230 members


Current membership 230. Held a Chapter meeting in Pageland, South Carolina at the Conbraco Industries facility with 50 members in attendance. Toured Conbraco’s $27 million dollar bronze facility. The Carolinas Chapter held its 2nd annual Backflow Conference in Rock Hill, SC on June 3rd 1998.



Seminar held at Lowes Motor Speedway


Held a seminar on repair and troubleshooting at the Charlotte (Lowes) Motor Speedway March 23 and 24, 1999. Jim Purzycki from BAVCO was the speaker. This brought (52) fifty-two new members into the Carolina’s Chapter. Current membership is 281.
3rd Annual Conference was held in Rock Hill, SC October 6, 1999, and 142 in attendance. This annual conference had many excellent speakers to include Mr. William Kent, ABPA Regional 3 Director. Topics covered within the backflow industry included, ABPA News, thermal expansion concerns of a closed plumbing system after backflow protection has been installed, guidelines for operating a backflow business, NC State regulation updates and changes as they effect the backflow tester, backflow software for small business and municipalities, confine space and ASSE 1060 regulations for enclosures, and a question and answers section for all speakers.



Toured Conbraco Industries Facility


Current membership 225. Held a Chapter meeting in Conway, South Carolina at the Conbraco Industries facility with 35 in attendance. We toured Conbraco’s stainless steel foundry. David Sowers Director of the Quality Assurance Program for Conbraco Industries gave a presentation on International Standards Organization 9000 Series Standards (ISO9001).


Bylaws of the Carolinas Chapter ABPA were amended and approved by the National ABPA Board at the National Conference in Portland, Oregon April 2000.


4th Annual Conference was held in Hope Mills, NC October 3, 2000. 75 people were in attendance. This annual conference had many excellent speakers. Topics covered within the backflow industry included, the importance of using an accurate and durable test kit, three and five valve test kits. How to conduct a sight survey/internal inspection for cross connections. Different classifications/types of fire protection systems and their design. Retrofitting existing fire protection systems for backflow protection. Testing and/or repairing backflow prevention assemblies installed on fire protection systems as it relates to NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. Carolinas Chapter ABPA Web Site Presentation, and a question and answers section for all speakers.



5th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference


Carolinas Chapter held a (1) day seminar in North Charleston, SC on March 15, 2001. 80 people were in attendance. This seminar had many excellent speakers. Topics covered within the backflow industry included, the National ABPA testers certification-How do you become certified through ABPA, what states and/or public water systems accept the certification? Lawn irrigation sprinkler systems. What are the different types of lawn irrigation sprinkler systems and what hazards do they present to the potable water supply? Confined Space Entry-What is the OSHA requirements for entering a vault or pit while testing a backflow prevention assembly. Fire Sprinkler Systems-Should you be a licensed fire sprinkler contractor to install or repair these systems? What are the differences between NFPA 25 & 13, and what do these manuals say about backflow prevention assemblies? What are the different types of fire sprinkler systems? There was a question and answer session for all speakers.


Carolina Chapter ABPA held its 5th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference in Concord, NC
on October 15, 2001/ 105 people were in attendance. This annual conference had many excellent speakers. Topic covered within the backflow industry included, a Treasurer’s report, update on newly elected Officers and Board members, OSHA confined space entry requirements, lawn irrigation sprinkler systems and their hazards to the public drinking water system, fire line sprinkler systems and who can work on them, and finally why is it important to have a properly installed backflow prevention assembly. Region 3 Director, Mr. William Kent, updated the audience concerning the national ABPA conference in Savannah, Georgia. Mr. Dale Strong, Vice President and President Elect of ABPA updated the audience concerning his future plans, goals, and objectives. All backflow manufacturers were there with a booth showing off their backflow equipment.



Backflow Prevention Repair and Troubleshooting Seminar


Carolinas Chapter ABPA held a one (1) day Backflow Prevention Repair and Troubleshooting Seminar in Columbia, SC on March 14, 2002. 110 people were in attendance. This seminar had excellent speakers. The seminar opened with a Treasurer’s report. Mr. Brian Morrison addressed the audience concerning his son winning the Carolinas Chapter and National ABPA Essay contest. Then we moved into the speakers. The Manufacturers that were represented at the seminar were: Mr. MC Sorrell covering the Febco products, Mr. Craig Birchfield covering the Wilkins products, Mr. John Amon and Mr. Chad Smalley covering Flomatic products, Mr. William Jackson covering the Conbraco products, and Mr. Joel Golmont covering the Watts and Ames products. To conclude the seminars Mr. Ronnie West, Brian Morrison, and John Nelson conducted a raffling with prizes for those who stayed the entire day.


Carolinas Chapter ABPA worked very closely with Region 3 Director Mr. William Kent in an effort to promote the May 4-8, 2002, 18th annual ABPA International Conference and Tradeshow in Savannah, Georgia. Approximately 46 attendees were from the Carolinas Chapter. We had three individuals make presentations at the conference and they were, Mrs. Ruth Pluchinsky, Mr. Mark Krouse, and Mr. John Watkins. There were others that helped out with the registration booth, also as moderators, and coordinating spouse events. The Carolinas Chapter won its 6th Pace award. Brian Morrison’s son, Jeremy, won the first ever Anthony Arthur/Paul Harington essay contest. Jeremy won a $1000 education scholarship for his hard work. Jeremy read his presentation at the dinner banquet in front of 250 attendees. Great job Carolinas Chapter.


Carolinas Chapter ABPA held its 6th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference in Concord, NC on October 16, 2002, and 110 people were in attendance. This annual conference had many excellent speakers. Topics covered within the backflow industry included, Treasurers report, newly elected Officers and Board members, How to manage backflow testers, plumbers, angry customers, etc, NC rules governing cross connection control operators, How to start a backflow prevention business, and How to test and repair RP’s and DCVA’s. Region 3 Director, Mr. William Kent, updated the audience concerning the Savannah, GA ABPA 18th annual backflow conference. Vice President and President elect of National ABPA, Mr. Dale Strong, updated the audience concerning the direction and goals of national ABPA. All backflow prevention manufacturers were there with a booth showing off their latest line of backflow prevention assemblies.



Ronald West Retires – Region 3 Director


Carolinas Chapter ABPA held a Board meeting and Plant tour in St. Pauls, NC on March 25, 2003. SPX Valves and Controls assembles Febco backflow prevention assemblies at this facility. There were 40 members were in attendance. Mr. MC Sorrell and Mr. Bob Buddo scheduled this meeting for the Carolinas Chapter.
Dale Strong of the Carolinas Chapter was sworn in as the President of ABPA at the 19th Annual ABPA conference in Detroit, Michigan. Ruth Pluchinsky of the Carolina Chapter was sworn in as the Vice President of ABPA at the 19th Annual ABPA conference. Ronnie West of the Carolinas Chapter was sworn in as Region 3 Director at the 19th Annual ABPA conference. Ed Davis and Brian Morrison of the Carolinas Chapter received the 7th consecutive PACE award plaque on behalf of the Carolinas Chapter.


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA held a retirement party on June 25, 2003, for Region 3 Director Ronald West. Ronald has worked for Fayetteville PWC for 36 years. There were many friends and family from the Carolinas Chapter in Attendance. Ronald was given a certificate of appreciation and other gifts for his many rears of dedication to the backflow prevention industry. Ronald is a true steward of safe drinking water and public health.


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA held its 7th Annual Backflow Prevention conference in Concord, NC on October 15, 2003. There were 116 people in attendance. The speakers in attendance covered excellent topics. Some of those topics covered Differential Gauges- the difference between 2, 3 and 5 valve gauges. Backflow Assemblies on fire protection systems. Backflow test and it’s amazing results. ABPA President Dale Strong gave an update of the current activities of the Nationals and future goals. Region 3 Director Ronnie West gave us his support of the activities of the Carolinas Chapter and updated us on the other chapters in our region. Nomination forms were passed out at the conference as well as mailed out to all members to vote on new Board members and Officers. Backflow Assembly Manufacture representatives were in attendance to show off their latest line of backflow products.



John Watkins receives the Golden Eagle Award


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA held a Backflow Assembly Repair and Troubleshooting seminar in Concord NC on March 24, 2004 with 80 in attendance and in Columbia SC on March 25, 2004 with 72 in attendance. The quest speaker was Past Chairman of the ABPA Training/Education Committee Jim Purzycki of BAVCO. Mr. Purzycki covered repair and troubleshooting of many make and models of backflow assemblies. Many in attendance praised the class as the best they have attended. This conference brought in 49 new members to the Carolinas Chapter and the ABPA.


The Carolinas Chapter held its 8th Annual Backflow Prevention conference in Concord, North Carolina on October 13, 2004. There were 103 in attendance. Topics included Thermal Expansion, International Plumbing Code, and Proper Installation of Assemblies. A test bench was built by the Chapter to test kits for accuracy. Region 3 Director Ronnie West gave an update on Region 3 and Nationals. Manufacture Reps were in attendance to show their latest products. Carolina Plumbing News publication was on site to do a story on the Carolinas Chapter and take pictures for the publication.


The Carolinas Chapter President, Danny Smith, filled in for the Region 3 Director at the October ABPA board meeting and sat in on the Training and Education Committee meeting in San Antonio Texas.
John Watkins receives the nationally recognized Golden Eagle Award.



ABPA Carolina Chapter tours BMW Facility


Carolinas Chapter held a Membership Meeting on March 9, 2005 with 44 in attendance. The meeting was held at the BMW plant in Greer SC. A plant tour was given and over 100 backflow assemblies were pointed out along the tour.


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA had (24) twenty-four members attend the 21st Annual Backflow Prevention Conference & Tradeshow in Orlando, Florida from May 9-11, 2005. The Carolinas Chapter won the 9th consecutive Pace award at this conference. Ronnie West was re-elected as Region 3 Director.
The Carolinas Chapter ABPA held its 9th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference in Concord, NC on October 12, 2005. There were 113 that attended this conference. Topics included How to Repair Backflow Prevention Valves, Tester Ethics, How to get Backflow Prevention Assemblies through the USC Foundation Approval process, and a Round table discussion about backflow prevention topics in NC & SC. Manufacture Reps were in attendance to show their latest products. Carolina Plumbing News publication was on site to do a story on the Carolinas Chapter and take pictures for the publication.



ABPA Carolina Chapter tours Blue Planet Water Environmental Center


The Carolinas Chapter held a membership meeting on March 8, 2006 in Huntersville, NC at the Charlotte- Mecklenburg Utilities Lee S Dukes Water Treatment Plant. After the membership meeting, the Carolinas Chapter members took a tour of the water plant and also the Blue Planet Water Environmental Center, which features a backflow display. We had a total of 22 members attend this event.


Carolinas Chapter had 10 members attend the ABPA 22nd Annual Education Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Our members helped out at the registration booth and sat in on most of the outstanding presentations. Carolinas Chapter President, Bob Klempner attended the ABPA Board of Directors Meetings. Carolinas Chapter President, Bob Klempner and Vice President, Kathy Riley also attended a meeting with ABPA Conference Chair, Ken Ashlock, Region 3 Director, Ronnie West and other Region 3 Chapter Officers to plan for a future Region 3 Conference. Our chapter’s donation to the Silent Auction generated over $ 3,000.00. The Carolinas Chapter won the PACE Award for the 10th year in a row, we are the only chapter that has won the PACE Award every year since its inception.


The Carolinas Chapter held their 10th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on October 11, 2006, in Concord, North Carolina. There were 102 people in attendance. We were honored to have Rich Koenig, National President of ABPA as our special guest for the conference. Rich gave a very interesting presentation about the National Perspective on Backflow Prevention. Other important topics that were presented were; “When Routine Turns to Extreme”, “The History of Backflow Protection in South Carolina”, and a very interesting Open Forum in the afternoon. There were many exhibitors on hand and everybody enjoyed talking to the manufacturers and parts representatives.


Carolinas Chapter President, Bob Klempner attended the Tennessee Backflow Prevention Association Conference in Gatlinburg, Tennessee on October 12 and 13, 2006. On the afternoon of October 13, Bob also attended a meeting with ABPA Conference Chair, Ken Ashlock, Region 3 Director, Ronnie West and most of the Region 3 Chapter Presidents to help plan for a Region 3 Conference. We had a very productive meeting and got a lot of work done.



Kathy Riley is awarded the Golden Eagle award


Kathy Riley was recognized for her commitment and contribution to our organization and was awarded the Golden Eagle Award.


Carolinas Chapter has scheduled two Backflow Prevention Assembly Repair Workshops. This technical and extremely interesting presentation will be held in Concord, NC on April 4, 2007 and Sumter, SC on April 5, 2007. These two workshops will be taught/presented by Mr. Mark Inman with American Backflow Products Company.
Several Carolinas Chapter Members are planning on attended the 23rd National ABPA Education Conference on April 30 – May 2, 2007. The Carolinas Chapter won the PACE Award for the 11th year in a row.


June 12 & 13 , Carolinas Chapter assisted with the planning and running of the 1 annual Region 3
Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee. Kathy Riley ran registration. Several members of the chapter attended the conference.Carolinas Chapter had 10 members attend the ABPA 22nd Annual Education Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Our members helped out at the registration booth and sat in on most of the outstanding presentations. Carolinas Chapter President, Bob Klempner attended the ABPA Board of Directors Meetings. Carolinas Chapter President, Bob Klempner and Vice President, Kathy Riley also attended a meeting with ABPA Conference Chair, Ken Ashlock, Region 3 Director, Ronnie West and other Region 3 Chapter Officers to plan for a future Region 3 Conference. Our chapter’s donation to the Silent Auction generated over $ 3,000.00. The Carolinas Chapter won the PACE Award for the 10th year in a row, we are the only chapter that has won the PACE Award every year since its inception.


The Carolinas Chapter held their 10th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on October 11, 2006, in Concord, North Carolina. There were 102 people in attendance. We were honored to have Rich Koenig, National President of ABPA as our special guest for the conference. Rich gave a very interesting presentation about the National Perspective on Backflow Prevention. Other important topics that were presented were; “When Routine Turns to Extreme”, “The History of Backflow Protection in South Carolina”, and a very interesting Open Forum in the afternoon. There were many exhibitors on hand and everybody enjoyed talking to the manufacturers and parts representatives.


Carolinas Chapter President, Bob Klempner attended the Tennessee Backflow Prevention Association Conference in Gatlinburg, Tennessee on October 12 and 13, 2006. On the afternoon of October 13, Bob also attended a meeting with ABPA Conference Chair, Ken Ashlock, Region 3 Director, Ronnie West and most of the Region 3 Chapter Presidents to help plan for a Region 3 Conference. We had a very productive meeting and got a lot of work done. The Carolinas Chapter held their 11th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on October 10, 2007, in Concord, North Carolina. There were 98 people in attendance. Important topics that were presented a few topics were presented at the Region 3 conference, however for those who did not attend the Region 3 Conference, this was a real benefit. There were many exhibitors on hand and everybody enjoyed talking to the manufacturers and parts representatives.



New website is created


The newly revised Carolina Chapter Web site is released. Kathy Riley created the new web site, which also includes a slide show of pictures from events in 2007 and beyond. This concept allows members to be recognized within the organization.


Ed & Curtiss Davis won the Golden Eagle Award from Nationals. Carolinas Chapter won the PACE Award for the 12th year in a row at the 24th National ABPA Education Conference Indianapolis, Indiana 2008.
Carolinas Chapter hosted a General Meeting and Plant tour at Conbraco Industries in Pageland, SC. on March 19th 2008. 50 members including Conbraco representatives were on hand to provide useful information. Mr. Pete Chapman and Ray Cellemme were wonderful hosts.


The Carolinas Chapter held their 12th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on October 8, 2008
in Concord, North Carolina. There were 92 people in attendance. Speaker included Pete Chapman with Conbraco Industries, Todd Little with Mueller Co., Mike Lueck with Midwest Instruments, and Pat Ahearn with Wilkins, Curtiss Davis Region 3 Director, and Mark Canterbury with Bavco.



ABPA Carolina Chapter wins PACE award for the 13th consecutive year


Mark Inman from American Backflow Products hosted a Trouble Shooting and Repair class for the Carolinas Chapter March 18, 2009 in Concord, North Carolina. 40 people were in attendance.


The Carolinas Chapter held their 13th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on October 14, 2009 in Concord, North Carolina. There were 85 people in attendance. The conference got off to a wonderful start with MC Sorrell of SPC Marketing updating confine space regulations and ASSE 1060 standards for above ground enclosures. John Watkins, SCDHEC Bureau of Water, and Mark Krouse, of Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities, both a long time member of the Carolinas Chapter ABPA Spoke about the laws and regulations for backflow protection in NC/SC. After Curtiss Davis our Region 3 Director updated the chapter, lunch was catered in by R&R Bar-B-Q. After lunch Rick Fluegge, City of Spartanburg Fire Marshall, keep the group awake with his topic “How does the installation of a backflow preventer impact an existing Fire Sprinkler System?” The session proved to be informative. Tim Pirc, a local small business owner/operator of Dallas 1 Construction, was invited to speak about “Construction in Today’s Economy.” Mr. Pirc gave his prospective about the good bad and ugly of the installation of backflow assemblies and the pitfalls of competing in today’s competitive marketplace. Jonathan Jones, Cal Val was the final speaker explaining how Automatic Control Valves work. The Conference was adjourned after a brief session of Q/A and raffling of door prizes.


The Carolinas Chapter of the ABPA received the 2009 PACE Award. This is the 13th consecutive year the Carolinas Chapter has won this award.


Ruth Pluchinsky of Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities received Customer Service Champion Award. Kathy Riley was also recognized and received an award for Customer Service.



Ruth E. Pluchinsky retires from Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities Director


The Carolina Chapter held a total of 5 board meetings during 2010. The Chapters financial status is sound and its membership continues to hold steady during these economic times.


Carolina Chapter spring membership campaign hosted a “Backflow Repair Workshop and Trouble Shooting Class” on April 23rd 2010 at the Alfred M Brown Operation Center in Concord NC. The workshop started promptly at 8:30am. The Event included the Carolinas Chapters first sponsored “A Backflow Rodeo”. Fees to attend were moderately $25 for members and $85 for new members. There were 58 members in attendance and lunch was provided by the Chapter and served by R&R Bar-B-Que. Members obtained professional growth hours.
The Carolinas Chapter ABPA received the PACE Award in 2010. This is the 14th consecutive year the Carolinas Chapter has won this award. The award continues to show the dedicated leadership from our board members and the continued support from our members.


The Carolinas Chapter held true to its commitment by coordinating and conducting our 14th Annual
Backflow Prevention Conference on October 5 , 2010. The City of Concord, North Carolina played host
to this wonderful event. There were 67 current members in attendance and 4 new members signed up. The chapter strived to keep registration fees affordable while offering interesting topics and quality speakers. Fees for the seminar were $15 to include meals and 6 continuing educational growth hours. Lunch was catered in by R&R Barbeque. Election results were given out and new board members were recognized and welcomed. The conference included topics such as:


1) Backflow Top Ten Questions Asked.
2) Product Liability from the manufacture Perspective
3) The Good, the Bad, the Ugly- Backflow Prevention Installations.
4) The ongoing effort to harmonize backflow standards
5) USC field test procedures 9th edition VS 10th editions
6) Test and repair liability of a fire sprinkler system


At this conference we also held the Charlotte Regional Round of the Backflow Blitz, which is a repair competition on backflow prevention assemblies. Mike Johnson with AC Corporation won 1st place, Chris Meadows with the City of Asheville won 2nd place, and JT Johnson with Johnson Backflow Prevention won 3rd place. The Conference was adjourned after a brief session of Q/A, closing remarks and raffling of door prizes.
Mac Merritt with the City Of Durham, Mark Krouse with Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities, and John Watkins with SCDHEC spoke to NCDENR (North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources) on October 28th 2010. The goal was to educate the NC State officials about the benefits of cross connection control programs.
Ruth E. Pluchinsky, Past President of the Carolinas Chapter and Past Vice President of National ABPA retired from Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities in December 2010.



Host board meeting at NASCAR Hall of Fame


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA conducted a Board and Membership Meeting at the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, NC on March 30, 2011. Approximately 25 participated in the meeting and tour.
The Carolinas Chapter ABPA received the PACE Award in 2011. This is the 15th consecutive year the Carolinas Chapter has earned this award. This achievement continues to express the dedicated outreach and education efforts from all of our board members and leadership within the Carolinas Chapter.


The Carolinas Chapter conducting the chapters 15th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on September 28, 2011. The City of Concord, North Carolina, continued its support by facilitating this significant event. There were 98 current members in attendance. The chapter continued to receive educational support from vendors and factory representatives. The event allows Chapter members to receive 6 (six) professional educational hours. Election results for 2012 were given out and new board members were recognized and welcomed. A “Backflow Rodeo” competition was conducted that allowed members to compete on the repair of backflow prevention assemblies. The Chapters board allowed time for members to express their concerns and give their suggestions for future events. The conference included topics such as:


1) Important Elements in Establishing an Effective Backflow Program. Speaker Ken Davis with Professional Backflow Service.
2) Differential Gauge Calibration Services from A to Z! Speaker Pete Cashion with Specialty Valve & Control/Speaker Jack Dearing with Conbraco Calibration Services.
3) Implementing A Backflow Program by Thinking Outside the Box! Speakers Jay Nicholson & Donna West with Joint Municipal Water & Sewer Commission.
4) Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems-How are the designed, installed, hydraulics, piping material, etc and are they supplied by the domestic water meter to the house or a separate meter? Speaker Charlie Stewart with Homesafe Fire Protection.
5) RP test and the 3lb buffer-How does it affect you as a tester? Speaker Ronnie West with NCRWA.
6) Homeowner’s drink treated wastewater/effluent without knowledge! Can this happen in your
Town or City? Speaker Davis Reynold with the Town of Cary, NC.



Wins PACE award for the 16th consecutive year


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA conducted a Board and membership meeting in Jefferson, SC on April 12, 2012. After the Board meeting, 37 attendees enjoyed lunch. Conbraco Industries sponsored this event at the Smoke House Grill. After lunch we all went on plant tours at both Conbraco facilities in Pageland, SC.


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA received the PACE Award in 2012. This is the 16th consecutive year the Carolinas Chapter has earned this award. This achievement continues to express the dedicated outreach and education efforts from all of our board members and leadership within the Carolinas Chapter.


The Carolinas Chapter conducted the chapters 16th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on September 26, 2012. The City of Concord, North Carolina, continued its support by facilitating this event. There were 86 current members in attendance. The chapter continued to receive educational support from vendors and factory representatives. The event allows Chapter members to receive 6 (six) professional educational hours. Election results for 2013 were given out and new board members were recognized and welcomed. The Chapters board allowed time for members to express their concerns and give their suggestions for future events. The conference included topics such as:


1) Terms and Conditions of Water Supply to include Water Heater Safety. Speaker Ted Nowle with Towle Whitney Associates Inc.
2) Backflow Prevention Assembly Test Kit Standards & Checking for Accuracy. Speaker Mike Lueck with Midwest Instruments.
3) Lead free is coming sooner than you think and are you ready? Speaker Pete Chapman with Apollo V alves.
4) Backflow incidences and are they still happening? Speaker Ken Goergen, Region 3 Director of ABPA.
5) The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Backflow Assembly Installations. Speaker John Watkins with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.
6) Creating a good peer to peer relationship which is a must in the work place. Speaker Brian Morrison with the City of Fayetteville Public Works Commission.



Wins PACE award for the 17th consecutive year


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA conducted a Board and membership meeting in Jefferson, SC on April 12, 2012. After the Board meeting, 37 attendees enjoyed lunch. Conbraco Industries sponsored this event at the Smoke House Grill. After lunch we all went on plant tours at both Conbraco facilities in Pageland, SC.


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA received the PACE Award in 2012. This is the 16th consecutive year the Carolinas Chapter has earned this award. This achievement continues to express the dedicated outreach and education efforts from all of our board members and leadership within the Carolinas Chapter.


The Carolinas Chapter conducted the chapters 16th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on September 26, 2012. The City of Concord, North Carolina, continued its support by facilitating this event. There were 86 current members in attendance. The chapter continued to receive educational support from vendors and factory representatives. The event allows Chapter members to receive 6 (six) professional educational hours. Election results for 2013 were given out and new board members were recognized and welcomed. The Chapters board allowed time for members to express their concerns and give their suggestions for future events. The conference included topics such as:


1) Terms and Conditions of Water Supply to include Water Heater Safety. Speaker Ted Nowle with Towle Whitney Associates Inc.
2) Backflow Prevention Assembly Test Kit Standards & Checking for Accuracy. Speaker Mike Lueck with Midwest Instruments.
3) Lead free is coming sooner than you think and are you ready? Speaker Pete Chapman with Apollo V alves.
4) Backflow incidences and are they still happening? Speaker Ken Goergen, Region 3 Director of ABPA.
5) The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Backflow Assembly Installations. Speaker John Watkins with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.
6) Creating a good peer to peer relationship which is a must in the work place. Speaker Brian Morrison with the City of Fayetteville Public Works Commission.



Hosted its 18th annual Backflow Prevention Conference


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA conducted a Board and membership meeting in Jefferson, SC on April 12, 2012. After the Board meeting, 37 attendees enjoyed lunch. Conbraco Industries sponsored this event at the Smoke House Grill. After lunch we all went on plant tours at both Conbraco facilities in Pageland, SC.


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA received the PACE Award in 2012. This is the 16th consecutive year the Carolinas Chapter has earned this award. This achievement continues to express the dedicated outreach and education efforts from all of our board members and leadership within the Carolinas Chapter.


The Carolinas Chapter conducted the chapters 16th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on September 26, 2012. The City of Concord, North Carolina, continued its support by facilitating this event. There were 86 current members in attendance. The chapter continued to receive educational support from vendors and factory representatives. The event allows Chapter members to receive 6 (six) professional educational hours. Election results for 2013 were given out and new board members were recognized and welcomed. The Chapters board allowed time for members to express their concerns and give their suggestions for future events. The conference included topics such as:


1) Terms and Conditions of Water Supply to include Water Heater Safety. Speaker Ted Nowle with Towle Whitney Associates Inc.
2) Backflow Prevention Assembly Test Kit Standards & Checking for Accuracy. Speaker Mike Lueck with Midwest Instruments.
3) Lead free is coming sooner than you think and are you ready? Speaker Pete Chapman with Apollo V alves.
4) Backflow incidences and are they still happening? Speaker Ken Goergen, Region 3 Director of ABPA.
5) The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Backflow Assembly Installations. Speaker John Watkins with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.
6) Creating a good peer to peer relationship which is a must in the work place. Speaker Brian Morrison with the City of Fayetteville Public Works Commission.



Wins PACE award for 20th consecutive year


The Carolina’s Chapter ABPA held three (1) day Backflow Assembly Repair Workshop in Mt. Pleasant SC on April 12, 2016, Columbia SC on April 13, 2016, and Huntersville NC on April 14, 2016. Mr. Jim Purzycki and Mr. Mark Canterbury with Bavco instructed these three backflow assembly repair workshops and they did a great job. 35-40 people attended each location. Each attendee received a repair manual, doughnuts, drinks, and lunch as a part of the registration fee. The workshop started at 8:30am and finished at 4:30pm. All had a great time.


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA received the 2016 PACE award from National ABPA (20th consecutive) at the 32st Annual Education Conference and Trade Show in San Diego, California. 4 Carolinas Chapter members were in attendance at this National ABPA Conference and they were (Ronnie West, Kathy Riley, Chad Lucas, and Brian Morrison). The Carolinas Chapter donated a Best Buy Gift card to the silent auction for the Education Fund
The Carolinas Chapter conducted the 20th Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on September 21, 2016. Charlotte Water hosted this event at the Blue Planet Water Treatment Plant in Huntersville, NC. There were approximately 55 in attendance. The chapter continued to receive educational support from vendors and factory representatives. This event allows attendees to receive 6 (six) professional educational hours. Election results for 2017 were given out and new board members were recognized and welcomed. The Board and Officers allowed time for members to express their concerns and give their suggestions for future events. This conference included topics such as:


1) Jim Ferguson with Jim Ferguson & Associates spoke on Lawn Irrigation Sprinkler Systems (Installations, Regulations, & Backflow Requirements).
2) Phil Purzycki with Bavco spoke on Backflow Assembly Repair (how to do it right the 1st time).
3) Joanie Hartley with City of Raleigh spoke on Bringing CCC Programs into the 21st Century.
4) Kathy Riley Region 3 Director with Charlotte Water spoke about National & Region 3 issues.
5) Mike Berrian with Carolina Backflow Specialties spoke on (Rules, Regulations, Reality, & Risk).
6) Brian Morrison with City of Fayetteville spoke on Cross Connections in Medical Facilities.
7) John Watkins with SCDHEC spoke on Drinking Water System contaminated by Pond Water and Important Components of Implementing a Backflow Program.



Hosted 21st annual Backflow Prevention Conference


The Carolina’s Chapter ABPA held two (1) day Backflow Assembly Repair Workshops in Columbia SC on April 25, 2017 and Huntersville NC on April 26, 2017. Mr. Mark Inman with American Backflow Products instructed these two backflow assembly repair workshops and did a great job. 35-40 people attended each location. Each attendee received a repair manual, doughnuts, drinks, and lunch as a part of the registration fee. The workshop started at 8:30am and finished at 4:30pm. All had a great time.


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA received the 2017 PACE award from National ABPA (21st consecutive) at the 33rd Annual Education Conference and Trade Show in San Antonio, Texas. 10 Carolinas Chapter members were in attendance at this National ABPA Conference. The Carolinas Chapter donated a Best Buy Gift card to the silent auction for the Education Fund


The Carolinas Chapter conducted the 21st Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on September 20, 2017. The City of Concord held this event at the Alfred M Brown Operations Center in Concord, NC. There were approximately 75 in attendance. The chapter continued to receive educational support from vendors and factory representatives. This event allows attendees to receive 6 (six) professional educational hours. Election results for 2018 were given out and new board members were recognized and welcomed. The Board and Officers allowed time for members to express their concerns and give their suggestions for future events. This conference included topics such as:


1) Steve Fox with Hydrocorp spoke on the importance of a backflow survey on your water distribution system.
2) Todd Havican with Conbraco Industries spoke on the difficulties of repairing & troubleshooting relief valves on a reduced pressure principle assembly.
3) Mac Merritt with NCRWA spoke on North Carolina backflow rules, & regulations.
4) Kathy Riley Region 3 Director with Charlotte Water spoke about National & Region 3 issues.
5) Nathan Gillespie with Specialty Valve & Controls spoke on the future of the backflow industry.
6) Bob Buddo with Lewis Marketing spoke on the evolution of the detector assembly.
7) Carolinas Chapter Board & Officers held a round table discussion on all backflow topics.



Held a 1 day plant tour at Conbraco Industries


Carolinas Chapter ABPA held a one day plant tour at Conbraco Industries / Apollo in Pageland, SC on April 4, 2018. Mr. Todd Havican and Mr. Nick Azmo with Conbraco spent quality time with our group educating us on all the new products coming out of Apollo. Conbraco paid for the luncheon that was catered. After lunch we broke into two groups and went on a very through plant tour. All 30 of us had a great time.


The Carolinas Chapter ABPA received the 2018 PACE award from National ABPA (22nd consecutive) at the 34th Annual Education Conference and Trade Show in Orlando, Florida. 11 Carolinas Chapter members were in attendance at this National ABPA Conference. The Carolinas Chapter donated a $150.00 Best Buy Gift card to the silent auction for the Education Fund.


The Carolinas Chapter conducted the 22nd Annual Backflow Prevention Conference on September 12, 2018. The City of Concord held this event at the Alfred M Brown Operations Center in Concord, NC. There were approximately 64 in attendance. The chapter continued to receive educational support from vendors and factory representatives. This event allows attendees to receive 6 (six) professional educational hours. Election results for 2019 were given out and new board members were recognized and welcomed. The Board and Officers allowed time for members to express their concerns and give their suggestions for future events. This conference included topics such as:


1) Steve Fox with Hydrocorp spoke on Legionella Basics – could it be a backflow concerns.
2) Kurt Hartle with Smith and Stevenson spoke on Thermal Expansion – how do we protect our
plumbing system.
3) Mark Inman with American Backflow Products spoke on Testers and customer service.
4) Kathy Riley Region 3 Director with Charlotte Water spoke about National & Region 3 issues.
5) Pat Ahearn with Bavco spoke on why it is important to use original factory parts in backflow
6) Brian Morrison with Fayetteville PWC spoke on what cross connections to look for in medical

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